(window["webpackJsonp"]=window["webpackJsonp"]||[]).push([["chunk-28791f68"],{"69c5":function(e,a,t){"use strict";t("c5bf")},c5bf:function(e,a,t){},ef63:function(e,a,t){"use strict";t.r(a);var o=t("f2bf"),r=function(e){return Object(o["L"])("data-v-b8dc160e"),e=e(),Object(o["J"])(),e},i={class:"p-16"},d=r((function(){return Object(o["k"])("h2",null,"CILO Privacy Policy",-1)})),s=r((function(){return Object(o["k"])("br",null,null,-1)})),n=Object(o["n"])(" CILO regards in high importance the ​​basic privacy rights, and believes that these basic rights should not differ depending on where you live in the world. That’s why we treat any data that relates to an identified or identifiable individual or that is linked or linkable to them by CILO as “personal data,” no matter where the individual lives. This means that data that directly identifies you — such as your name — is personal data, and also data that does not directly identify you, but that can reasonably be used to identify you — such as the serial number of your device — is personal data. Aggregated data is considered non-personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy (**Policy**) describes how we at CILO Global Corp. collect, use, share, and secure your Personal Information when you visit the CILO Platform (https://cilo.io) (the **Platform**) or create, buy, transfer, or trade unique CILO Items in our Market (the **Market**). "),c=Object(o["m"])("

By accessing the Site or trading CILO Items through the Market, you agree to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

Personal Information CILO Collects

We may collect a variety of information to identify you as an individual ("Personal Information"). The personal data CILO collects depends on how you interact with CILO. Personal Information does not include anonymous or aggregate information that does not identify you as an individual. The Personal Information CILO collects to be a user, an artist, and a collector as follows:

Use of Personal Information

We use the Personal Information we collect to:

Sharing Personal Information

CILO may share personal information with CILO-affiliated companies, service providers who act on our behalf, our partners, developers, and publishers, or others at your direction. We work hard to ensure these providers only access and use your information as necessary to perform their functions. Further, CILO does not share personal information with third parties for their own marketing purposes.

Cookies & Other Technologies

CILO’s websites, online services, interactive applications, and advertisements may use “Cookies” and other technologies such as web beacons. These technologies help us to better understand user behavior including for security and fraud prevention purposes, tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, and facilitate and measure the effectiveness of advertisements and web searches.

Type of Cookies

Communications Cookies

These cookies are used to enable network traffic to and from CILO’s systems, including by helping us detect any errors.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are set as required to provide a specific feature or service that you have accessed or requested. For example, they allow us to display our websites in the proper format and language, to authenticate and verify your transactions, and to preserve the contents when buying, trading, and transferring at CILO.io.

Other Cookies

These cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with our websites and online services, including by helping us to assess the effectiveness of advertisements and web searches. CILO also uses these cookies to remember choices you make while browsing, so we can provide you with a customized experience.

How you can control Cookies

If you wish to prevent Cookies from tracking your activity on our Platform or visits across multiple websites, you can set your browser to block certain Cookies or notify you when a Cookie is set. For more information on how you can customize your browser’s Cookie setting please visit the link to your web browser below:

You may opt-out of interest-based advertising in general by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s or Network Advertising Initiative’s websites. We are not responsible for the completeness, effectiveness, or accuracy of any third-party opt-out options or programs. If you block Cookies, some features that make the Platform function property may not work and your experience may be affected.

Privacy Rights at CILO

At CILO, we respect your ability to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict the processing of, and delete your Personal Information. We have provided these rights to our global customer base and if you choose to exercise these privacy rights, you have the right not to be treated in a discriminatory way nor to receive a lesser degree of service from CILO. You may contact us at cs@CILO.io to erase, update or correct any Personal Information we collected about you and to unsubscribe from commercial or marketing communications from us.

Children and Personal Information

The Platform is not intended for use by children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13. If we learn we collected Personal Information from a child under 13 we will delete that information from our files.

Third-Party Links and Services

Our Policy only applies to our Platform and does not apply to third-party websites or services because we do not control those third parties. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of third-party websites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those third-party sites to learn about their practices or what rights you may have.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act

If the person claiming the copyright explains to CILO that his/her work has been uploaded without permission, CILO considers the explanation to be true and must immediately delete the work. As long as CILO faithfully follows the DMCA procedures, CILO will be free of copyright infringement.

Important Limitations

Nothing in this Policy restricts our ability to:

Changes to this Policy

Our commitment to preserving your privacy will not change, but our Platform may evolve. The effective date of each version is identified above. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will use reasonable means to inform you and, where necessary, obtain your consent.


If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at cs@CILO.io.

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