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CILO regards in high importance the ​​basic privacy rights, and believes that these basic rights should not differ depending on where you live in the world. That’s why we treat any data that relates to an identified or identifiable individual or that is linked or linkable to them by CILO as “personal data,” no matter where the individual lives. This means that data that directly identifies you — such as your name — is personal data, and also data that does not directly identify you, but that can reasonably be used to identify you — such as the serial number of your device — is personal data. Aggregated data is considered non-personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy (**Policy**) describes how we at CILO Global Corp. collect, use, share, and secure your Personal Information when you visit the CILO Platform (https://cilo.io) (the **Platform**) or create, buy, transfer, or trade unique CILO Items in our Market (the **Market**).

Art is worthwhile. I feel the art value that I take for granted. They ask, "How does art value be embraced by the real and financial economies?" Today, art is worthwhile when it shakes existing systems that have been materialized. Art should create a new perspective and revolutionary discourse. So the value of art increases as it exists outside the physical and financial economies. The original nature of art cannot be embraced by the existing economic system.

A work of art is based on complexity. Artworks accept the complex at hand of the times. Artwork that captures the spirit of the times is another complex, condensed into tension and contradiction. The paradox of the fluctuating kinetic energy in a stationary artwork is the basis of art. The value of art is expressed when it influences the world and makes changes in the world through works of art.

The nature of art, the spectacle of art, is created when everyone shares and owns it. Ninety-nine percent of the world's artists disappear without ever showing their works. Only about 5% of the art are available to the public for trading. Art information, art values, and works of art are selected, shared and measured according to market power and social (and political) power. Art is invested by a few as assets, and art trade is limited to some owners. However, many artists who are creators are excluded from the deal. Art works are also amplified through easy exchange and fast circulation. Existing currencies are limited to the measurement of the value of use or exchange of goods, so cannot value works of art. We need a new currency that fits the trade of works of art.

CILO is a new system for art. It realizes the art value and art trade according to the nature of the art through blockchain. It consists of a blockchain-based platform that shares art information and trades art works, blockchain currency that fits art values, and blockchain-based tokens that guarantee artists' creative costs and rights to work. CILO NFT Marketplace, CILO STO Exchange, and CILO Art Cryptocurrency are about to be developed and realized. CILO:

CILO is a migratory bird that lives about 10 centimeters in North America. Because of its beautiful color and balanced coloring, it has often appeared in art works by local artists. In winter, it moves to Central America or the West Indies, and returns in following spring. Small gestures naturally help pollinate plants and unintentionally transport plant seeds or insect eggs between continents, contributing to animal and plant productivity and diversity. In <The Fables of Honeybees> by Bernard Mandevillem, ‘Honeybees’ represent “contributed capital” that was not covered by the economic system in the past, and CILO represent “art capital” and “cognitive capital” that the existing economic system does not consider.

The CILO slogan "Create, Tune and Drop" is a phrase that includes creating of artists, tuning of art as a service of parula, and dropping of art in blockchain world. The context of the slogan is borrowed from Timothy Leary's famous phrase "Turn on, tune in and drop out."

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